Monday, October 17, 2005

What all Gringos always need

I think after almost five months in Peru and Ecuador I am in a position to comment authoritatively on what traders feel that a Gringo or Gringa must always need, here's my top 5 in reverse order of popularity:

5) Dollars
Money changers don't seem to have realised yet that ATMs give Soles and Dollars and therefore it is just possible that a gringo might have the right currency already and not need to change any!

4) Jumpers
"Amiga, amiga - it's baby alpaca!" Apparently every item of clothing in Peru that's made of alpaca is from baby alpacas....which makes you wonder what they do with the wool from the adults. Surely no one's embellishing the truth!

3) Finger puppets and postcards...... And it's no good saying things like "I'm too big", quickly you'll find that the seller has a response "Buy them as a present then". Just say No and keep walking.

2) Pizza This is particularly true in major tourist destinations like Cusco and Arequipa. It turns walking round some plazas and alleys into a real test as you are bombarded on all sides by people trying to persuade you that their restaurant is best. What you really need is a neon side above your head saying "This is the shortest route to the place I am going and I have already eaten. Thank you for your attention!

1) Taxis
All taxis always think that a Gringo walking down the street must want a taxi, the low level version of asking is a subtle beep to let you know they're free and there's a gradual scale up to drawing up to a halt by you, winding the window down and saying "Taxi?". To which I'd love to reply one day, "Yes I know you're a taxi because the car is the right shape and colour, you have a taxi sign on the top and I HAVE EYES!"

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