It wasn't the downhill minibus ride from the pass near Huascaran at break neck speed with sharp, sharp curves
It wasn't the bus journey from the Ecudorian border to Zumba
It wasn't even the taxi journey in Quito last night from the bus station to the hostal (although I did think I was going to die)
It was the moment in Cuenca, two days ago, when the hairdresser took the wrapping off my head and it looked like she'd bleached my hair peroxide blonde! Fortunately it was only highlights and not my whole head but I sat there in disbelief as she towel dried it and my hair got lighter and lighter. However, she then put more stuff on it and turned it a sort of ash blonde. My assumption post hairdresser is that to get her regular customers' hair blonde she has to bleach it first, since they all have dark brown or black hair, not strictly necessary with mine but I didn't know to ask, since I've never seen a hairdresser do that before.
Then she cut my fringe (which was my original reason for entering a hairdressers) and despite my best efforts to stop her she cut it too short! Still at least in a couple of weeks it will be the right length again....
So I guess the moral of this story is either:
a) don't go to the hairdresser when you're abroad
b) interrogate the hairdresser before you let them touch your head!
Still by the time I get home at the end of October it should be nicely long again!!
So where is the photo accompanying that blog? If ever a picture was required! Tx
Great to see you are still having a fantastic time. Looking forward to the live version of the stories at the next C&P pub sesh!
Paul M
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